- To provide a secure service using radio waves, it is necessary to meet various regulations specified by Act.
- TELEC has internationally accredited laboratories. We measure promptly with reliable techniques.
- After measurement a test results statement or performance verification statement* is issued without delay.
* Certificate issued by TELEC when conformity to regulations is recognized. A performance verification statement is only issued for extremely low power radio equipment, inductive reading and writing radio communications equipment and F3E transceivers equal to or less than 1W.
Testing Service

SAR Testing Service
Radio waves of radio equipment intended to be used near to the human head or body, such as cellular phones and wireless LAN equipment, are measured to see if they are below the regulatory limit value.
We also handle international laboratory accreditation systems. (ISO/IEC 17025 (JISQ 17025)

Test of Industrial Facilities Using Radio Frequencies, Extremely Low Power Radio Equipment Using Radio Frequencies
- Measurement of radio waves of microwave ovens, RFID (inductive reading and writing radio communications equipment) and so on.
- We prepare test data and testing for specification of type from the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications.
- Extremely low power radio equipment, such as radio-controlled oscillators, wireless microphones and FM transmitters, are measured to see if their radio field intensity is within the regulatory permissible levels.

Wi-SUN Testing Service
- As a Wi-SUN Alliance approved testing laboratory, we provide certification testing services for Wi-SUN products.

Testing·Certification Service
- As an ECHONET Consortium approved testing laboratory and certification body, we provide ECHONET Lite/AIF testing and certification services for ECHONET products.