TELEC provides the certification service of radio equipment as a registered certification body to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications under the Radio Act. The service is to examine and certify whether radio equipment used for small-scale radio stations conforms to the technical regulations stipulated in the Radio Act.
Two types of the certification are possible : Technical Regulations Conformity Certification is to certify the equipment one by one and Construction Design Certification is to certify each construction type of the equipment.
Certification by TELEC covers various types of radio equipment such as mobile phone, cordless telephone, wireless LAN and base stations etc.
With the progress of radio communication technology, wider knowledge and higher technology are required for accurate measurement of radio devices.
TELEC establishes measuring methods for new radio devices by setting up study groups that consist of the experts from various organizations. TELEC actively promotes study projects together with the researchers in the field of radio communication and radio measurement and contributes to the development of the technologies and the testing methods for future radio communications.
TELEC provides the certification service of terminal equipment on technical regulations conformity as a registered approval body under the Telecommunications Business Act. Certified terminal equipment can be connected to network of telecommunication network operators without their inspection. In case of terminal equipment connecting to network by radio such as mobile phone and wireless LAN, both certifications as per Radio Act and Telecommunications Business Act are required. TELEC provides one-stop service for these certifications.
Measuring instruments used for inspection of radio stations or characteristics test for the Technical Regulations Conformity Certification must be calibrated at least once a year by a designated calibration agency.
TELEC provides calibration service as a designated calibration agency by the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications. The calibration instruments used for the service are traced to the national standard of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) to maintain their accuracy. This will enable TELEC to provide high accurate and short lead-time calibration service to customers.
The designated calibration service covers RF power meter, spectrum analyzer, field strength meter and so on. TELEC also provides general calibration service for modulation meter, RF attenuator and antenna besides the instrument subject to the designated calibration agency.
TELEC offers the testing service of RF devices including the extremely low power radio equipment (remote control devices, sensors, toys, etc.) and the facilities utilizing high frequency current or ISM equipment (RFID devices, ultrasonic cleaners, etc.), using the open area test site and the semi-anechoic chambers.
TELEC is an accredited test laboratory on ISO/IEC17025 for EMI test of ITE devices and various RF tests for the CE marking and FCC authorization.
TELEC also offers various on-site testing service such as the measurement of emission from large scale ISM equipment, the shielding and site attenuation validation of the semi-anechoic chambers and the field strength measurement based on the human exposure safety requirement for RF facilities.
Tolerance of the Electric Field Intensity of the Extremely Low Power Radio Station at the Distance of 3m
TELEC provides the certification testing service for Wi-SUN PHY and Wi-SUN Profile for ECHONET Lite standards as an Authorized Test Laboratory appointed by Wi-SUN Alliance.Wi- SUN is a communication standard based on global standards of IEEE802.15.4g/4e and is essential for the growth of the IoT (Internet of Things) including the application to smart meters and home area network.
TELEC also provides SMA (Smart Meter Application) certification service as an Authorized Certification Bodies of ECHONET Consortium.
TELEC provides test and conformity assessment service of radio equipment for foreign countries/markets such as EU, US, Canada and Asian countries. TELEC enhances its testing capabilities and expands its supporting network for radio approval in foreign countries such as the CE Marking in EU and the FCC authorization in US, so as to provide customers with one-stop service including the approval for Japan.
TELEC conducts training courses for the purpose of human resource development for the administrative officials from member countries of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) on radio regulatory and equipment certification to promote good order in radio communications around the world.